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1 Remain calm you transfer your anxiety to your child
2. Preparation is key for success in education
3. The two f’s fresh food fresh air. When out in the air take the opportunity to practice deep breathing. Fresh air is vital for little brains to function effectively.
4 If your child is in special education create a calm morning routine for them so they can get the best possible start to the day.
Press here for some great lunch ideas
3 Learn to focus yourself. If you don’t focus you cant expect the child to focus.
4 Preparation is key
5 Activities are important.
6 Everything is education
A trip to the shops is an opportunity to learn adding and subtraction and how money works. Give children a fixed amount of money to spend .Allow them to decide how to spend it and encourage them to add their purchases before they get to the till, see if they can figure out how much change they should get.
If your going for an ice cream, coffee or food allow them to read the menu choose what they want and order it. This helps with decision making skills and speaking up for themselves.
They are many other family trips or days out that create chances to learn.
7 Homework doesn't have to be done sitting at a table.
A trip to the park is a great place to learn about nature but can also be good for learning spellings and tables. Gather some conkers or small stones: make the shapes of the letters for the word you want to learn to spell, this is interesting and fun.
you can also use the conkers or stones to learn tables: for example of you want to learn 3 times tables. learn by adding in groups.
row one a group of 3 stones
row 2 two groups with three stones in each group =6
row 3 3 groups with 3 stones in each =9
and continue like this.
The above exercise can also be done at home with balls of clay pieces of pasta etc
If reading is difficult for your child and they have comprehension. Sit in the garden read the passage to your child asking them questions as you go along to m are sure they are listening. Then you can do the comprehension.
8 Give children responsibility they love it particularly younger children. If you have a busy household its hard to achieve everything yourself.
Older siblings can read to younger siblings.
Children can set the table for dinner or prepare an after school snack
If you're shopping you can get them to write a list then find the items you need and pack them.
Young kids love folding washing not so much older ones!
9 Get children involved in making lunches they love tupperware!
Remember these are parenting tips but are the best parent for your child Enjoy !
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